miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

Social issues in Chile today

Chile today is not the same forty years ago. His economic growth has changed the society and his behavior. The chileans became consumist. Our country its called in route to development, we build enormous buildings, highway, malls. However still keeping and increase the inequality. Under a free market logical, our values has changed too. The individualism, the egoism, the competition and ambition are the virtues of today.
In this sense the inequalities in the system been generated discontent. In recent years we have seen a social wakeup, the people are willing to demonstrate and say what they want and do not want. The students protest march are a proof, his demands have focused the government agend. But is not the only social movement, people are flocking around issues and conflicts that are part, such as the environment, decent jobs, animal rights, sexual freedom or respect for indigenous people.
Regarding protests, the government has allowed and encouraged the excessive use of police force, this has meant that the marches in the streets turn into battles harming surrounding neighborhood, public infrastructure, and public safety.

Other social issues that have transcended the legislative sphere are tragic cases like Kevin Silva child who went to a marathon and was hit by a car whose driver was drunk, the boy survived but lost his legs, this created great national commotion which led to be quickly approved a law called "zero tolerance", which requires to have zero blood alcohol for driving. Another case was the Daniel Zamudio, a young gay man who was attacked and killed by a group of homophobic. Like the previous case caused great commotion which led to adopt anti-discrimination law, "law Zamudio", which not only protects homosexuals, but to all those who in any way may be violated in whole or discrimination.


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